Arc Surveying & Mapping (ARC) performed coastal and near shore data acquisition along the Gulf Coast shoreline encompassing a coastline beginning at the Alabama / Florida State Line and continuing west into Alabama for 20 miles.
This project was in support of collection, analysis, and reporting of beach and offshore survey monitoring data.

Arc topographic and hydrographic personnel collected and delivered coastal beach monitoring profile data at 102 historic beach monitoring profile locations.
Data was acquired at sufficient coverage to include data, beginning upland in unaffected profile range, through the dune and beach structure and continuing to approximately 3000’ offshore.
Acquisition was performed utilizing the latest available Trimble GPS Real Time Kinematic (RTK) systems available for upland data collection.
These systems allow for the navigation to pre-defined profile locations while acquiring data along the historic profile azimuth of each line.
This system coupled along with the experience and trained personnel allow for minimal disturbance to the existing dune and wildlife environment.
In addition, ARC provided a coastal offshore survey vessel equipped with sophisticated GPS navigation, motion reference units (MRU) and survey quality fathometers for offshore data acquisition.
Included in the survey was the hydrographic data acquisition of three (3) offshore dredge borrow sites.
All work was performed under the direct supervision of a Alabama Professional Surveyor and Mapper, as well as a ACSM Certified Hydrographer.